Promina Mountain is part of the Dinaric Mountains, one of the beauties of this region. It was named after the Latin pro mans - behind the hill or prominere - to protrude. Namely, on the pass between Petrovo and Kosova polje there was an Illyrian settlement - a hillfort of the Liburna-Promona tribe. Today, the remains of Petrovac, a large medieval town, are visible on the remains of Promona, where, according to legend, King Zvonimir once hosted 6,000 guests. The area behind the mountain was called pro mona (literally behind the mountain) so that the name remains for the mountain and for the magical plateau on its western side, ie the area between the mountain and the river Krka.
Promina Mountain, with the highest peak Čavnovka (1148 meters) is one of the attractions of this county. It is one of the most passable mountains - there are several paths carved into its body: many farmers worked the fields on both sides of the mountain, paving numerous paths. To the top, as well as to the mountain lodge located at 855 m above sea level, there are several marked hiking trails, and it is possible to access by macadam road by off-road vehicle.
With its numerous springs, mineral resources, fossil remains, pine forests and attractive boulders and stone fences, it has been the subject of study by geologists and scientists since the time of Austro-Hungary.